Wednesday 7 November 2012

Hardwood Flooring – Introducing Our New Bolefloor Curved Length Flooring

Hardwood flooring has always been popular but one particular type of hardwood flooring that is taking Europe by storm is Bolefloor.

Bolefloor provides a natural and alternative look to other types of solid wood flooring and is ideal for use in contemporary homes, offices, retail units and for the corporate hospitality industry, such as restaurants, bars and hotels.

This type of hardwood flooring has gained critical acclaim and presents an alternative to traditional, straight hardwood flooring. Instead, the length of each board follows the natural line of the tree trunk, producing a curved or wavy effect.

With Bolefloor, your flooring becomes a focal point and the result looks simply stunning in minimalist or Bohemian homes, contemporary businesses, studio apartments and even workshops, museums, shops or art galleries.

Here you can discover more about Bolefloor and find out why this type of hardwood flooring is a great eco-friendly choice. We shall also reveal the types of woods and finishes available.

Hardwood Flooring - Click here to browse our solid wood flooring products

What is Bolefloor?

The word ‘bole’ refers to the trunk of the tree. Previously, this type of hardwood flooring was difficult to obtain and extremely rare as it was so labour intensive to produce.

However, thanks to a Dutch company, these high quality floorboards are now produced, still on a bespoke basis, but with the aid of state of-the art technology, making it much more accessible. They are very appealing as they follow the tree’s natural growth pattern to stunning effect.

These floorboards have been featured in trade shows all over Europe including Paris, Moscow, Switzerland, London, Hannover, Rotterdam, Zurich, as well as further afield, creating a surge in interest.

Their presence has inspired those who are seeking a unique and contemporary look to their hardwood flooring.

Why is Boleloor Eco-friendly?

Bolefloor is regarded as eco-friendly as it follows the natural growth of the tree, so you get more floorboards per forest.

This can only mean good news all round as fewer trees have to be cut down to produce this type of flooring.

Eco-friendly floors and furniture have risen in popularity as people are now much more environmentally aware and are starting to take responsibility for their role and impact on the environment.

Why Choose Bolefloor?

Bolefloor is unique - no two floorboards or floors are the same.

Like traditional hardwood flooring, Bolefloor benefits from a wide choice of finishes to choose from, but the main draw is its contemporary style and the overall attractiveness of the flooring: it is simply stunning.

The floorboards are put together like a jigsaw so the resulting effect is like a work of art - and this makes a wonderful feature in the home or workplace.

It has an organic look as it follows the growth of the tree.

Does this Style have a Wider Use?

Yes. This style has been used not only for flooring, but also for ceilings, walls, and even in furniture. Naturally Wood supplies and installs Bolefloor curved length flooring for customers in London, Middlesex, Hertfordshire, Kent, Suffolk, Essex and Cambridgeshire .

We offer a range of different woods to choose from to cover all tastes and these include Walnut, Oak, Cherry, Maple and Ash. So, you can have any colour of flooring from the lightest colour wood (Maple) to dark wood (Walnut).

Different Finishes

Bolefloor options include the more refined grades which have no dark knots, to a natural look, or rustic effect. We also offer a wide range of finishes, which include natural, oiled and brushed.

Where is it Suitable?

Bolefloor is suitable for all parts of the home, or office, including hallways, reception rooms, dining rooms, bedrooms, living rooms, office areas, studios -  and even the kitchen and  bathroom. It suits any size of interior and looks stunning in a studio apartment or spacious open plan designed home.

What Sizes are Available?

The size and width of the boards is determined by the trunk of the tree and the type of timber you choose. The width of the boards vary from 150 - 300 mm and the length is random, to a maximum of 3000 mm.

Hardwood Flooring - Click here to browse our solid wood flooring products